I'm Pathetic...I Know

Wow. Really?? February 16th?? Sheesh. Good thing I'm so good at keeping my blog updated. Uhhh, I've been busy. That's my excuse, as pathetic as it may sound. are a few things I've been busy with...

Some "newer" stuff

Lots of new projects have been in progress over here at Libby if I could just find the time to post about some of them. If only blogging could count as "billable hours". Wishful thinking, I know. Here's one project that I'm just wrapping up - a logo and business card design for Pacific Ingenium, a new consulting business that's starting up in the Mpls. area. Fun stuff!

Long time, no...anything

Hmmm, somehow 6 months have past and I've failed to post a SINGLE thing. Well, fear not - there's been lots going on over here at Libby Design - so much that there's been no time for blogging. Lots of new projects have been completed or are in progress, so stay tuned - there will be more things coming for your viewing pleasure in 2010. :)

In the meantime, kick back and enjoy yourself! Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!!

New Team Member

I'd like to introduce a new addition to the Libby Design team - please give a warm welcome to Boots, Libby Design's official lap dog. Boots brings an excellent skill set to the team and we're very excited to have her. She has extensive experience specifically in client relations - don't let those "puppy eyes" fool you! When it comes right down to it there's no way Boots will be accepting any low-resolution files or screen fonts! Our hope is that Boots will not only be an incredible asset to the company, but our clients will grow to know Libby Design as "the company with the great customer service dog".

Welcome to the team, Boots! Hang on for the ride!

Twins Yearbook

Last week I met with a new client who got my name from another client I've worked with. Gotta love referrals. They're located down in Savage, so I made the trip down to meet with them and I think they're going to be a lot of fun to work with. The first project we just completed is an ad that'll be in the 2009 Twins Yearbook. Fun stuff! We're huge Twins fans so this was a fun one to do knowing I'd be seeing it this summer when we're at games.


That's how things have been the past couple of months...and honestly how I've felt after the holidays. :D I was crazy busy up until about Thanksgiving and it's died off since then. There's still a small trickle of work coming through, but it's pretty slow. Seems to be the same with everyone else I talk to in the same field, so I'm not too terribly worried. Everyone's predicting that first quarter of '09 will be brutal, then things will pick up. So we'll keep our fingers crossed that things pick up sooner than later. I do have a photo shoot later this week and a meeting with a client about some more work. There are a few other projects I started back in December that were put on hold that I'm hoping will come back to life here soon, too. So in the meantime I'm trying to enjoy having some "downtime"...getting stuff done around the house, stuff gathered up and organized for taxes, that sort of stuff. So, hang tight until I have some more fun stuff to post that I've got cookin'!


Well things have continued to be extremely busy, which I can't complain about. I've been doing a lot of different types of work from production work to design work to art direction. It's been good. Now if I could just get people to PAY me for all the work I've done. Ooops. Did I say that out loud? Apparently I did. Anyhoo...

Here are a few things I've been working on. For the past couple of months I've been working on a re-branding project for a company called Walls Industries. They're pretty much the "Carhartt of the south" - based in Texas. We're in the process of trying to persuade them to move forward with a new logo (which you'll see in the designs below) and also with a fresh "look". Below are some samples of the hang tags and stickers for various garments along with a 3-panel ceiling banner.

I also recently finished up a pro-bono project for Normandale Community College. They have a really cool scholarship program for underprivileged kids called "The Normandale Math & Science Academy". Basically this program gives kids the chance to pursue a career in the medical/science field. It's a great program, so I was happy to help them put together some professional looking materials so that they can go out and raise support to help continue funding this program. We put together a trifold brochure and 3 biography cards that told the story of some current students who had received scholarships. I was privileged enough to be recognized at Normandale's Donor Appreciation Banquet on September 17th for the work I did. It was a nice night of networking and meeting various people who have helped put this program together.

Another project I'm just wrapping up is an FSI for Red Star Yeast. This will be run in Colorado and a few other locations as they do some market research as to which brands are selling best based on location, store, etc. I've enjoyed this project a lot. The client had me art direct the photo shoot of the products which I got to do with my friend Shawn over at Nielsen Photography.

A few weeks back I completed a project I'd been working on for a while - a flyer for the Minnesota Childhood Apraxia support group we're a part of. This was a fun little project, and I'm excited that we now have a nice flyer to hand out to make people more aware of what Apraxia is. It'll be great to see how many more people join our group now that we'll have a tool for spreading the word!

Last but not least, I've done a few "personal" projects over the past couple of months, too. My twin brother, Aaron, and his wonderful wife, Katie, recently returned home from Ethiopia with their baby daughter, Matea. We're so thrilled to have a new member of the family!! I offered to design adoption announcements for them and had a BLAST!!

And speaking of a new family member - my middle brother, Jesse, is getting married November 1st to his lovely bride, Jodi. We're SO excited to have her as part of our family! As part of her Christmas present last year, I told Jodi I'd love to do custom wedding invitations for them. So here they are! Everything fit in a #10 size envelope and they turned out really fun - definitely something "different", which is always good.

So there...that's just a taste of stuff that's been going on in terms of work the past few months. I'll try to be better about posting. Stay tuned!