Have you ever had one of those days where, at 11pm when you're still hard at work, you stop and think, "How on earth am I still functioning after the day I've had?" Yesterday was definitely one of those days.
My day started out on a bit of a "sour" note...a sick kid who couldn't go to school despite her begging. That meant time to call in the troops for backup – Grandma Julie to the rescue! Usually that makes the kid's day when Grandma comes to play, but not to day...apparently Grandma's not so appealing when you're sick. Mom is the fix-all.
As I locked myself in my office hoping to get some work done, I quickly realized I was in for a crazy day. I had 3 projects that needed to be finished by 4pm, two others that needed to be sent off to the printer, and then over the course of the morning, I received 6 emails asking for quotes on potential jobs. AHHHHHHH!!! Oh, and I was supposed to fit in invoicing somewhere in there, too, so we can pay our bills. Yikes.
I started plugging away and was growing more and more frustrated with the constant interruptions of phone calls, emails, and crying kids knocking at the door. I hate that feeling of being torn – why must I be a working mom? Why can't I be one of those "stay-at-home-moms" who have the dream job of playing with their well-behaved children and watching soaps all day long, and who never have to worry about finances, deadlines, etc. Wait, there's no such thing. Never mind. Despite how many people may view "stay-at-home-moms", their job is SO much more intense and involved than any other job on earth! I guess a better question I should have been asking myself was, "what's more important – my deadline for the General Mills shelf set I'm working on or my sick baby crying outside the door?". The answer to that was obvious, so I took a "mommy break", curled up on the couch with my Peyton-girl and a blanket and we watched Elmo's World. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more...me or her. :)
Once I had things calmed down on the homefront, it was back to the office. I somehow managed to get everything done that I needed to over the course of the day. Projects were completed and proofs sent off to clients, files were sent to the printer, quotes were written up and sent out, and best of all, invoices were finished and e-mailed off. I love that part. Now I'm sitting here trying to plan out the next several weeks with the multiple new projects I landed in the midst of my chaotic day yesterday. Definitely will be a busy few weeks leading up to Christmas!